The tone of this Exodus account is dramatically different to that of Genesis before it, where Yahusha didn’t seem to be focussing too much on punishing mankind for idolatry. There were a few scattered incidences (like the Global Flood, Tower of Babel and Sodom & Gomorrah) which stand out but those punishments were not purely for idolatry, but rather ‘getting in the way of Yahusha’s grand plan’ of scattering mankind across the earth and ensuring His people didn’t intermix with the nations, tampering with the pure bloodline. In Genesis we saw Yahusha in the beginning stages of calling a chosen Blood-Covenant people through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (a people who had no external traits, skills or behaviour qualifying them to be Yahusha’s people, only that He chose them)!

And now in Exodus we see Yahusha taking centre-stage, with a full arsenal of plagues and judgment, hell-bent on making sure His Name and His wonders are known to the whole earth through this Blood-Covenant People, smashing down any notion that a man-made deity can possess any power against Him. Of course behind every false pagan idol is a spirit laughing and mocking and all of mankind was once again under the influence of fallen, unclean spirits, who had taught them to worship objects of wood and stone, gold and silver. But through this Exodus account the 12 tribes of Yisharal were delivered by the blood of the Passover Lamb, Immersed through the waters of the Red Sea and taken into a wilderness experience where they were to be prepared and have their garments (behaviour) made white in order to be married to their Bridegroom Yahusha, Who came down on Mt Sinai and raised up the Eternal-Blood-Covenant with them, writing the Marriage Vows (ketubah) on stone-tablets as a witness for all generations. Then they were to travel to the promised land, boot out all the wicked pagans and live happily ever after with Yahusha!!??

Looking through the lense of behaviour, the huge take-away in this book of Exodus is seeing just how disgusting, disrespectful, ungrateful and complaining mankind is towards their deliverance, and despite proving over and over again through amazing signs and wonders (that He was indeed among them and providing everything they needed), they refused to comply, refused to go up the mountain, didn’t want to hear Yahusha’s voice or see the light from Moses’s face after He’d gone up for them. No, these people caved to their base, carnal desires of selfish pride and slid straight back into the familar Egyptian idolatry they were comfortable with, failing every test Yahusha put before them. But despite all this, Yahusha (not without punishment) proceeded forward with His plan to set up His Tabernacle among them (a booth) where He could dwell among them, bless and protect them until such a time that He would break through the veil of His higher dimension, put on the flesh of a man and literally walk among us to once and for all `rent the veil’ showing the rip-off of religion and the intoxicating loving-kindness that came through His eyes, so that He could align the dimensions once and for through His perfect blood and claim back His Covenant Bride.

Exodus is all about behavioural tests:

Would Yisharal follow the cloud in belief or bitch, winge and complain about the life they had left behind, which was bondage and slavery?

Would they go boldly into Yahusha’s presence and have an intimate relationship with Him, or stay in the darkness of their evil, wanting to communicate with a man instead?

Would they wait on Yahusha to move in their life, or step out with their own wicked ideas about how they should live before Him?

Have we behaved any differently towards Yahusha?

Do we face that our bodies are a living dwelling for Him?