In our last study we saw how James (quoting the Prophet Amos) was able to `level the playing field’ (giving the Gentiles a fair chance at Deliverance) and settle the matter at the Yerushalim Council. The minute everyone associated this massive experience in the Early Assembly with what David did, everyone understood! But do we understand what David truly did though?

When Amos referred to the re-building of David’s Tent and the coming in of the Gentiles (nations) into Messiah, which of David's Tents were the Gentiles coming into? Was it David’s Kingdom Tent or David’s Priestly Tent of Revolutionary Praise Behaviour?


There seems to be no doubt that in Ancient times, there were actually TWO SPOTS referred to as `the Tent of David':

1. David's Throne in the Palace

2. Yahuah's Throne - the Ark of the Blood-Covenant

It is the failure to see these two tents that has brought about so many differences of opinion, and the confusing of one Tent with the other. Many lean heavily on David’s Tent shadowing Yahusha's Royal Kingdom and the Gentiles/Nations coming into that, while others lean heavily on David’s Tent shadowing the Revolutionary Order of Praise Behaviour before the Ark, and the Gentiles coming into that.

David was actually involved in both tents, since both tents pointed historically (LOOKING BACK) and prophetically (LOOKING FOWARD) to David's greater Son, the Deliverer Yahusha Messiah.

So if the Gentiles come into David's Tent, which Tent will they come into? The KINGDOM TENT or the PRIESTLY PRAISE TENT? How can it be one or the other? Can anyone truly come into the Tent of David on Mt Zion (David's House and Kingdom) and NOT come into the Priestly Praise Behaviour (also on Mt. Zion)?

How can we have one without the other? How can we accept one and reject the other?

Of course, Yahusha's proper Order is to FIRST be engrafted into the Kingdom and then be empowered and trained into the Priestly Praise and true (spirit and truth) Worship of obedient behaviour. So BOTH aspects of the Tent are of vitally important in Yahuah's economy!

To say that the Gentiles were to come into the Kingdom of David (ie. the Son of David, Yahusha’s Kingdom) and not into the Tent of David (ie. a righteous behaviour of constant Praise) is inconsistent with the revelation of the Portal/Messiah Within, which is given to us for the whole purpose of continual intimacy, training and relationship. Both Tents are essential, for one is Kingdom Status (KINGLY) and the other is Kingdom Behaviour (PRIESTLY). One cannot separate the House ("sukkah") of David from the Tent ("ohel") of David, for both were on Mt Zion.

So passing all these matters through the Death and Resurrection of Messiah, they become ONE TENT through a New Blood-Covenant, in the person of Yahusha Messiah, for He unites (in Himself) both the offices of KING and PRIEST. This is evident in the fact that He is the KING-PRIEST after the order of Melchizedek (Psalm 110; Hebrews 7). But not only is this referring to Messiah as the head, but it’s also true of the Assembly, His Bride.

Jews and Gentiles cannot come into David's Tent under Yahusha’s KINGSHIP and authority and not be also under His PRIESTHOOD! New Covenant believers are members of the order of Melchizedek and are also Kings and Priests to Yahusha and the Nations (REV 1 / 1 PET 2).

Some have stated that the subject of "Worship or Praise“ is not the issue at hand at the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15, however, this again is implicit in the very language of the context, for the very purpose of Yahuah re-building David's Tent is so that "a portion of mankind might seek Yahuah (even all the nations) on whom My Name is called', says Yahuah, Who's doing all this.”. Can anyone really and TRULY SEEK YAHUAH and not end up WORSHIPPING YAHUAH? If Yahuah takes out a people for His Name and His Name is called upon the people, then how can this people not worship Him in Spirit and in Truth?

Which brings us to Mt Zion, and we can't speak of Zion without alluding to the Tents of David, since both were situated on Mt. Zion and actually gave Zion its significance in the days of David, as the place where Yahusha is first spoken of as both KING and PRIEST, ruling His people in a Divine Zion, a Divine Yerushalim.  Yahusha is the Root and Offspring of David, and both David's Alahim and David's Son.

The Gentiles (and the Jews) both come into DAVID'S HOUSE which is Messiah's Kingdom and also into DAVID'S TENT, which is Messiah's Praise Behaviour. How can these be separated in Messiah, the Son of David? Jews and Gentiles come into New Covenant Zion and Divine New Yerushalim, into the Tent and House of David, into both Kingly and Priestly status and behaviour, as typified in the Royal House of David on Zion and the Priestly Tent pitched by David on Zion.

The Early Assembly Writings (NT) show that Yahusha and His Assembly together make up the Royal Priesthood, Kings and Priests, after the order of Melchizedek, fusing together all revelation of David’s Kingdom Tent and His order of Priesthood (Behaviour) which he established in ancient times ... and also revealed this spectacular secret in Himself, the living fulfilment of every shadow. So the two Tents of Zion were brought together in the one Tent of the New Blood-Covenant between Yahusha and His Bride, sealing all the former principles and promises of the Old Covenant together and transforming them into a New and living Behaviour. The throne of David's Tent and the throne of Yahuah's Ark (in the other Tent) were all combined in Yahusha.

(The Melchizedek Priesthood is an older, far more superior order than Aaron’s Levitical Priesthood, which the Jews claim as their heritage and right over mankind (even though Jews are technically from Judah and not Levi anyway!!) - but the Old Blood-Covenant and Priesthood has been annulled and transformed by Yahusha's Covenant using NEW far superior BLOOD!)


EVERYTHING!!! ... The Early Assembly understood that the Gentiles coming into blessing in the Tent of David was a shadow and future prophecy of Messiah and His Assembly!

The Judaizing, Pharisaical Carpet-baggers from Yerushalim were seeking to bring the believing Gentiles under the bondage of Jewish Law, using Moses` Instructions as their platform. The Gentiles were being delivered through belief in Messiah, so what was to be their relationship to the Old Covenant and to the Jewish ritual (originally given to Moses but now bastardised)? As evident, vital issues were involved here because the decision of the Disciples and Elders would affect the whole future of the Early Assembly and the relationship of Jews and Gentiles for centuries. The Judaizers were actually endeavouring to bring the Gentiles back into a `Tent of Moses Mindset’ -- a Tent of bondage to fleshly shadows, circumcision and carnal observances (now transformed) ... of Aaron’s Priesthood, and the Sacrificial System (which couldn't even atone for intentional crimes!).

The question, asked again, really was, "What kind of relationship should the Gentiles have with the Old Blood-Covenant (raised up through Moses) and the shadow-rituals demonstrated in the Tent of Moses?" As already noted, Peter related his experience first, telling how Yahusha had poured out His Spirit on the Gentiles exactly as He’d done on the Jews at Pentecost - and this apart from circumcision and apart from any Jewish ritual or law. Peter's experience was of great value in the testimony concerning the coming in of the Gentiles. However experience is not enough. Is it according to the Word of Yahuah?

Paul and Bamabas also gave their report of the signs and wonders wrought among the Gentiles, those who were called "The Uncircumcision," those who were "without law”. Yahusha had raised up Assemblies amongst the Gentiles apart from any of Moses` Economy involved (ie they had no knowledge of Torah ... yet!) However, it was the Disciple James, who (by a word of wisdom) quoted the Early Prophet Amos concerning the restoration of the Tent of David and showed that the purpose of this was that "the portion of mankind and all the Gentiles (nations) might seek after Yahuah.”

Yahusha did visit the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius to take out of them a people for His Name, as Peter had already testified, and the words of the prophets agree to this. And although James quotes only one prophet, (Amos), he does say that it was the `prophets' who spoke of the Gentiles coming into the blessing of the New Covenant.

What Peter, Paul, and Barnabas had seen Yahusha do among the Gentiles under their ministry was exactly what Yahusha had said He would do. Namely, to build again the Tent of David. But what for? So that a portion of mankind and all the Gentiles upon whom His Name is called might seek after Yahuah.

The prophets had clearly foretold a period of time when the Gentiles would come into blessing, and these prophecies are generally placed into some future age, however the nations have always been welcome to engrafting into Yisharal, even back when the first Hebrew, Abraham was still forming his trust in Yahuah. However nothing was as spectacular as when Yahusha Himself confirmed that the nations were 'entering the Reign' by out-pouring His Set-Apart Spirit on both Jews and Gentiles in Acts.

This `opening the doors to all nations' is what's referred to as "the key of David" in Revelation 3, and is not limited to merely Praise Behaviour (although it certainly involves that). The KEY OF DAVID IS RELATED TO THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, which the Disciple Peter was specifically given in Matt 16. Did he really use these keys? What are they?

The Book of Acts unmistakably shows that Peter did use these keys, for the purpose of any key is to open or lock a door - to let people in or to keep them out. Peter used these Keys in the Book of Acts, for it was he who Yahusha used to be an opener of the door of belief to both Jews and Gentiles.

The great Assembly at Antioch rejoiced when they heard that Yahusha "had opened the door of belief to the Gentiles" (ACTS 14). It is to the Assembly of Philadelphia that Yahusha addressed Himself as the One having the Key of David, and He told this Assembly that He had set before them a door that no man could shut once it was opened, and no one could open once it was shut (REV 3:7). The Assembly of Philadelphia had a great door of witnessing to the Gentiles opened to it by this Key of David. What would the Key of David let the Gentiles into? The order of David’s Tent or the Tent of Moses? The answer should be obvious: David’s Tent.

So the problem of what to do with the Gentiles is solved. They do not have to come under circumcision, or under the dead shadows of Jewish Law, for that is `the Tent of Moses' (not referring to the Everlasting 10 Words of course). Gentiles (and Jews) now come into the Tent of David which has none of the ritual seen in Moses` pattern. The Torture Stake has ushered in a new order (THROUGH NEW BLOOD) where both Jew and Gentile can bypass all the pharisaical carpet-baggers and come into the New Assembly, the Tent of David.

THE GENTILES ARE COMING INTO DAVID'S TENT AND SHOULD NOT BE UNDER BONDAGE TO ANYTHING. That doesn't mean they aren't to follow Yahusha's Living Words (as written since Creation), for behaving His way brings life and is not at all considered bondage!


So with this decision being reached, the Disciples, Elders, and the whole Assembly at Yerushalim (under the witness of the Spirit) rejoiced that no Jewish burden was to be laid on the Gentiles.

So David’s Tent was obviously understood to be a prophetic symbol of the Assembly, "the habitation of Yahusha by the Spirit" in which Jews and Gentiles would gather together for a Revolutionary Praise Behaviour (EPH 2). The difference between David’s and Moses` Pattern is the Key to understanding Acts 15, for they weren't identical.


If James (and Amos) had said that Yahuah was “re-building the Tent of MOSES which is fallen down, so that the Gentiles might seek Yahuah” then it would have been clear that the Gentiles should come in under the Old Law where the Blood-Covenant was still in it’s early stage of using the blood of bulls and goats. But James did not say that! The difference between the two Tents is the difference between the Old and New Covenant, and the Jews knew the difference between both the Tent at Gibeon (Moses` Pattern) and Zion (David’s Pattern), even if they did not fully understand it. So it was the Spirit of Yahusha who directed James to bring this Scripture before the council at Yerushalim.

The fact of the Gentiles coming in can be seen in the strong use of the name `EDOM’ in the prophecy of Amos. "In that day I will raise up the Tent of David that's fallen, and close up it’s breaches and raise up his ruins. And I'll build it up as in the days of old, that they may possess the remnant of EDOM, and all the nations, who are called by My Name’, says Yahuah Who does this." (AMOS 9)

The name "EDOM" is a representative name for the Gentiles and all those of Abraham's line after the flesh, as well as all nations outside of the chosen nation through Isaac. EDOM WAS ESAU (Jacob's twin brother) and his name means "hairy, rough, rugged" while Edom means "red."

There are tremendous prophecies of judgment declared against Esau/Edom by the prophets of old. Yet the Prophet Amos says that out of Edom as well as the rest of the nations there would be a people upon whom the Name of Yahusha would be called. This can only be through repentance and Immersion into the Name of Yahusha Messiah in redeeming favour.

The Book of Acts records for us the fact of the Gentiles accepting Messiah and being called by His Name and the Assembly at Antioch was called to bring in mainly Gentiles also.

Another example of "EDOM" is found at David’s Tent in the guy `Obed-edom the Gittite'. His name means "Serving Edom" or "Servant of Edom,” and he was willing to receive the Ark of Yahuah into his house as a Levitical Priest.

In due time he came into the new order of David's Tent. So the association is seen in the fact that this Gittite bears the name "EDOM" as part of his name, and it’s concerning Edom that Yahuah promises blessing. There were at least 4 Obed-edoms' associated with the service of David's Tent:

1. A Levite - one of David's body guards, in whose house the Ark was hid for three months. Its presence brought blessing to Obed-edom and all of his family (2 Samuel 6).

2. A Levite - gatekeeper of the Tent, who marched before the Ark during its removal to Yerushalim (1 Chron 15).

3. A Levite - a Merarite, of the second degree who did regular duty at the tent erected for the Ark (1 Chron 16). He ministered before the Ark.

4. A son of Jeduthan - who also served at the Sanctuary. Perhaps Obed-edom the Korathite (1 Chron 16). He was a Gate-Keeper.

So the name "EDOM" is connected with David's Tent in its historical setting in these families by the name of Obed-edom, and also in its prophetical setting in Amos' prophecy. These families probably identified with this name of the flesh-seed (Esau) which becomes a foreshadowing of the coming in of "the portion of Edom" as priests to Yahusha in the Early Assembly.

Obed Edom's whole household and life was supernaturally blessed through exposure to Yahuah's Ark, even though he wasn't a proper Aaronic Priest (which was essential according to the pattern given to Moses!!)

The Disciples obviously understood this to be a foreshadowing of the Gentiles coming into New Covenant relationship with Yahusha and all this apart from the Jewish ceremonials and `old-blood’ traditions and shadows. Who needs a shadow if Yahusha is standing right in front of you?

Throughout the earth today, out of every kindred, tongue, tribe and nation Yahusha is taking a people out of the Gentiles for His Name. They are coming into His Assembly, the fulfillment of David's Tent. They are not being placed under the physical Laws or the Tent of Moses, but under favour in David’s Tent, to be worshipping priests in Song and Praise to Yahusha Messiah.

The prophet Amos also said the days would come when "the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that sows seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt" (Amos 9). This pointed to a time of great harvest and ingathering. The ploughman, the sower, and the reaper shall see Yahusha doing a quick work.

The fulness of the Gentiles (Rom 11) is upon the Assembly as Yahusha takes out a people for His Name from all the nations, who will stand before His throne singing a new song, the song of Deliverance, and playing harps as they worship the Lamb after the order of David's Tent forever (Rev 5).

So Jews and Gentiles together come into Yahusha's Kingdom and New Behaviour, becoming one in Messiah. THE TWO TENTS (two offices of King & Priest) BECOME ONE IN MESSIAH. This is the New Covenant Revelation that silenced all the nay-sayers and carpet-baggers in Jerusalem, who were trying to put their foot back in the doorway that Yahusha had flung wide open.

So with this understanding, next we’ll look at David’s Revolutionary Praise Behaviour and the risk he took to get Yahuah's presence in his city of Zion.