With the setting up of the David’s Tent in Zion we see David establishing a completely New Order of Revolutionary Praise Behaviour for the Priests and Levites there. It is evident by a consideration of a number of Scriptures that David must have received revelation from Yahuah and then given commandments concerning this order, which mainly involved the service and function of Music, both of the Singers and the Musicians. It will be seen that whenever any of the Righteous Kings of Yisharal brought the Nation back to Yahuah, they always restored the Revolutionary Praise Behaviour that was established by David the King in his Praise Tent.

1 CHRON 16: And David appointed some of the Levites to serve at the Ark of Yahuah, where they were to play music and sing praises to Yahuah the Alahim of Yisharal. Asaph was their Song-Leader, and Zechariah was his assistant. Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-Edom, and another man named Jeiel were appointed to play small harps and stringed instruments. Asaph himself played the cymbals, and the two priests Benaiah and Jahaziel were to blow trumpets every day in front of the Ark.

And that same day, David instructed Asaph and his relatives (for the first time) to sing these praises to Yahuah: "Give thanks to Yahuah, call upon His Name and make known His deeds among the peoples!
 Sing to Him, Sing Praise to Him! Speak of all His mighty wonders! Go on, Boast in His Set-Apart Name,
 Let the hearts of those seeking Yahuah rejoice!
 Seek Yahuah and His strength! Seek His face continually!
 Remember His wonders which He
's done, His signs and the right-rulings of His mouth.

For you are the Seed of Yisharal, His servant, the children of Jacob, His chosen ones!
 He is Yahuah our Alahim and 
His right-rulings are in all the earth. Remember His Blood-Covenant forever, The Word He commanded for 1,000 generations,
which He made with Abrahim, and His oath to Isaac, and He established it to Jacob for
 a law, to Yisharal as an Everlasting Blood-Covenant,
 saying, “To you I give the land of Canaan, the portion of your inheritance,” when you were only few in numbers, (very few indeed) and travellers in it.

And they went up and down,
 from one Nation to another, and from one Reign to another people.
 He allowed no one to oppress them, and He reproved Sovereigns for their sakes, saying:
 “Do not touch My anointed ones, and do no evil to My Prophets.”

Sing to Yahuah all the Earth, Proclaim His deliverance from day to day. Declare His esteem among the Nations, His wonders among all peoples.
 For great is Yahuah and greatly to be praised, and He is to be feared above all other fake Deities of the people, for they are things of nothing,
 but Yahuah made the Shamayim. Excellency and splendour are before Him, Strength and gladness are in His place.

So Ascribe to Yahuah, O' Clans of the peoples, Ascribe to Yahuah Esteem and Strength. Ascribe to Yahuah the Esteem of His Name, Bring an offering, and come before Him. Bow yourself to Yahuah in the splendour of Set-Apartness!

Tremble before Him, all the Earth. The world also is firmly established and immovable.
 So let the Shamayim rejoice, and let the Earth be glad, and let them say among the nations, “Yahuah shall Reign.”Let the sea roar, and all that fills it. Let the field rejoice, and all that is in it. Let the trees of the forest then sing before Yahuah, for He shall come to judge the Earth.
 Give thanks to Yahuah, for He is good, for His kindness is everlasting!

And say, “Rescue us, O' Alahim of our deliverance, and gather us together, and deliver us from the Nations, To give thanks to Your Set-Apart Name, and boast in Your praise. Blessed be Yahuah Alahim of Yisharal from everlasting to everlasting!

And after David finished, all the people said, “Amein!” (SO BE IT) and praised Yahuah.

So he left Asaph and his brothers there before the Ark of the Blood-Covenant of Yahuah to perform regular service before the Ark, as each day required :

Obed-Edom and sixty-eight of his relatives were their assistants, and Hosah and Obed-Edom the son of Jeduthun were the Guards.

David also chose Zadok the High-Priest and his relatives who were Priests to serve at Yahuah's Tabernacle at Gibeon (TABERNACLE OF MOSES' ORDER) and they were to offer sacrifices on the altar every morning and evening, just as Yahuah had commanded in the Law he gave Yisharal through Moses.

Heman and Jeduthun were their assistants, as well as the other men who had been chosen to Praise Yahuah for His never-ending love. Heman and Jeduthun were also responsible for blowing the trumpets, and for playing the cymbals and other instruments during the Praise at Moses' Tabernacle in Gibeon. Infact the Levites in Jeduthun’s Clan were the Guards at Gibeon.

And after all this excitement, everyone went home and David went home to his family.


1. David's Tent (1 CHRON 15-16) B.C. 1048

Despite a few accounts of Yisharal singing and rejoicing (ie we know David didn't invent music), here we have the official origin of 'David's Praise Behaviour'.

For just like Moses was told to hold up Yahuah's Instructions (evident from the very beginning) as an OFFICIAL NATIONAL LAW AND STANDARD OF BEHAVIOUR (ie 10 Commands weren't invented at Sinai -  they're WHO YAHUAH IS!) ..... so too, David appointed and established singers and musicians to sing and play before Yahuah in His Tent AS A REVOLUTIONARY, NEW OFFICIAL FORM OF SACRIFICE!!


As we saw, David even sent some Singers and Musicians to Moses' Tabernacle, even though this hadn't been offically done before. Was he just playing `fast and loose' with Yahuah's Divine Laws? Not at All! REVOLUTION BABY! These great courses of Singers and Musicians were at David’s Tent in Mt. Zion, so David appointed certain of the Levites to be Singers with Instruments of Music, Psalteries and Harps and Cymbals, sounding, by lifting up the Voice with Joy. These were to serve before the Ark of Yahuah continually, as every day's work required.

2. Solomon's Temple (2 CHRON 3-5) B.C. 1012 .

King Solomon built the Temple according to the pattern that was given to King David, his father. We find by a study of the Scriptures that the very order of Revolutionary Praise Behaviour which was established in Davids’ Tent was later on incorporated into Solomon's Temple. For approximately 30 years or more Davids’ Tent had been functioning before the Temple of Solomon was built. But when the day of dedication came for the Temple, the Singers and the Musicians played a tremendous part. The Ark was taken out of David’s Tent at Zion and placed in the Most Set-Apart Place in the Temple and the staves were taken out. As soon as the Priests came out of the Set-Apart Place, the Singers and the Musicians began to serve before Yahuah as they stood at the east end of the brazen altar, and their service was just like the Priesthood!

"It came to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were AS ONE, making one sound in praise and thanking Yahuah, lifting up their voice with the trumpet, cymbals and instruments of music, praising Yahuah, saying, "For He is good, for His mercy endures forever", that the Temple was filled with a cloud, so that the Priests could not stand to serve because the esteem of Yahuah had filled Solomon's Temple." (2 CHRON 5:11-14).

David’s Tent was preparing everyone for this day of dedication so they'd know how to behave! And as the service of the Singers and Instruments blended into one accord and one sound, the Shekinah Esteem Cloud filled the Temple and no flesh could serve in the presence of Yahuah. All of this was according to the revelation given to David and according to that which he established in his Praise Tent!

3. The Righteous King Jehoshaphat (2 CHRON 20) B.C. 896.

In this Scripture we see how the Moabites and the Ammonites came to battle against King Jehoshaphat, who set himself to seek Yahuah by prayer and fasting and all of Judah with him.

The King went to the house of Yahuah and there in the new court made intercession before Yahuah. As he stood in prayer and the assembly with him, the Spirit of Yahuah came upon Jahaziel and the prophetic word of encouragement came forth.

Yahuah said He would fight the battle for them. King Jehoshaphat and the Assembly with him fell before Yahuah in Praise. The Levites stood and began to Praise Yahuah with a loud voice on high as they were in the Temple court. Early in the morning, Jehoshaphat, after consulting with the people, appointed Singers unto Yahuah, who were to Praise the beauty of set-apartness and the mercy of Yahuah. As the Singers began to Praise Yahuah, He set ambushments amongst the enemy and they began to destroy one another, and Judah was three days in gathering the spoils from such a victory. Thus, Yahuah used the service of the Singers, (that which was established by David), to bring victory out of apparent defeat.

4. The Righteous King Hezekiah (2 CHRON 29-30) B.C. 726.

In these two chapters we are given the account of the cleansing of the Temple under the rule and reign of Righteous King Hezekiah. The preceding King, wicked Ahaz, had allowed the Temple of Yahuah to become polluted and eventually closed down.

Once again the atoning sacrifices were offered on the altar and the Temple was dedicated afresh to Yahuah in the Feast of Passover. Not only did Hezekiah do this, but he also revived the service of the Singers and Musicians as established by David many years before.

When Hezekiah came to the throne, he set his heart to seek Yahuah. He repaired the House of Yahuah and re-established the order of Yahuah's house and its daily administrations. He encouraged the Priestly Tribe to set themselves apart in order that they could fulfil their service unto Yahuah. After a number of days, all the filthiness was cleansed out of the Temple.

2 CHRON 29 tells us, "And he set the Levites in the house of the Yahuah with cymbals, with psalteries, and with harps according to the commandment of David, and of Gad the king's seer, and Nathan the prophet; for so was the commandment of the Yahuah by His prophets. And the Levites stood with the instruments of David, and the Priests with the trumpets... And when the burnt offering began, the song of the Yahuah began also with the trumpets, and with the instruments established by David king of Yisharal. And all the assembly worshipped, and the singers sang, and the trumpets sounded; and all this continued until the burnt offering was finished."

What a wonderful service this must have been! It was a restoration of that order of Praise Behaviour established by the commandment of David.

The service was prepared, and the Priests stood in their places and the Levites in their respective courses (2 CHRON 35:10). Then we are told, "And the singers the sons of Asaph were in their place, according to the commandment of David, and Haman, and Jeduthan the King's seer ..." (2 CHRON 35:15). Here there was a restoration of that order of Praise Behaviour as established by David in his Tent. All was according to the writing and commandment of David and of Solomon.

5. The Righteous King Josiah,

(2 CHRON 35:1-19) B.C. 623.

Once more we see a Righteous King, Josiah by name, raised to the throne of Judah. The previous King, Ammon, had been a wicked King, following the sins of wicked Manasseh. Josiah had the Temple of Yahuah cleansed again under the Feast of Passover, even as Hezekiah had years previous.

6. The Restoration of Judah from Babylon,

(EZRA 2:65, 3:1-13 - NEH 12:27-47) B.C. 536 

A study of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah show the number of the house of Judah who responded to the call to come out of Babylon at the close of the 70 years captivity.

The dominant Righteous leaders of these returns were Ezra the Scribe-Priest and Nehemiah the Governor. The first thing involved in the restoration of the people to the land was the rebuilding of the Temple. The altar was set up and blood sacrifices once again offered to Yahuah. The Temple foundation was laid in the Feast of Trumpets, the very Feast in which the Temple of Solomon had been dedicated many years before.

As one reads the Scriptures given above we discover once more the restoration also of the order of David in the Singers and Musicians. Two hundred "singing men and singing women" returned to Judah from Babylon (EZRA 2:65). When the foundation of the Temple was laid "they set the Priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals, to praise Yahuah, after the instruction of David King of Yisharal. And they sang together by course in praising the giving thanks to Yahuah..." (EZRA 3:10- II).

A number of years later, another company of people came up out of Babylon to Judah and we are told the Levites who were "with their brethren over against them, to praise and to give thanks, according to the commandment of David the man of Yahuah ... " (NEH 12:24). Then when the walls of the city were dedicated, the Levites were sought out of all the places to come to Yerushalim and to keep the dedication with gladness. They had thanksgivings, singing and praise with cymbals, psalteries and harps. They were in companies "with the musical instruments of David the man of Yahuah, and Ezra the scribe before them" (NEH 12: 27, 36). The Levites were appointed once again to their service, "And both the singers and the porters kept the ward of their Yahuah ...

... and the ward of purification, according to the commandment of David, and of Solomon his son. For in the days of David and Asaph of old there were Chief of the Singers, and Songs of Praise and Thanksgiving unto Yahuah. And all Yisharal in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, every day his portion ..." (NEH 12:44-47).

7. The Prophecy of Amos (AMOS 9:11-13) B.C. 787.

Surely the prophecy of Amos given about 60 years before Hezekiah's time, during a period of national apostasy and spiritual decline takes on more significance in the light of the various awakenings in Yisharal and Judah under the reign of the above mentioned Righteous Kings. To build again "David’s Tent which is fallen down, to close up the breaches thereon; to raise up its ruins and to build it as in the days of old" (AMOS 9:11; ACTS 15:16), certainly signified a restoration of the Order of Praise Behaviour established in David’s Tent, not a restoration of the material tent itself.

Who can fail to see the application to the New Blood-Covenant Assembly history? Under the outpouring of the Set-Apart Spirit in the Book of Acts we see Jew and Gentile coming into the Revolutionary Spiritual Order of David’s Tent (ACTS 15:13-18).

Each of the above awakenings in the Nation's history followed a period of spiritual lapse and each constituted a restoration of the order of Praise Behaviour according to the commandment of David, which was also the commandment of Yahuah through His prophets. Each period of time in spiritual decline represented a breach which could only be closed up by their return to Yahuah who is "the repairer of the breach, and the restorer of the paths to dwell in" (IS 58:12). Every visitation in Judah was accompanied by a return to a new order of Praise Behaviour. Wicked and unrighteous Kings brought about these breaches, and Righteous Kings sought to mend these breaches.

The service of true Praise Behaviour (JN 4:24), the service of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (EPH 5:18-19, COL 3:16, JAMES 5:13) was confirmed in the Early Assembly. Song, praise and joy abounded even as it had in the days of old under David's Tent.

However, over the years of Assembly history, decline and apostasy set in even as in Yisharal's history. The Assembly departed from the belief once delivered (JUDE 3). The Order of Revolutionary Praise Behaviour, of Music and the Song of Yahusha departed. Spiritual death settled on Yahusha's Bride. But now, even as in Yisharal's history, so in Assembly history, Yahusha has a small trustworthy remnant who seeks Him to recover the days of old. Yahusha now visits His people, to restore what was lost over the years, to repair the breaches of the Dark Ages (JOEL 2:23-26). Music and song is starting to be heard once again in the Assembly as Yahusha prepares His Bride for His return, giving to them the Songs of Yahuah. The breaches are being mended. Thus, every awakening, every movement of the Spirit of Yahusha has had some particular "NEW SONG" associated with it.

As Yahusha recovers many lost truths to the Assembly, these truths are taught and practiced, clothed in song and the Assembly is finally starting see who she is and will sing, teach and admonish one another in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Singing and making melody in their hearts to Yahusha (EPH 5:18-19, COL 3:16).

One thing should be clear and this is the fact that Yahusha is seeking to restore His Revolutionary Praise Behaviour according to the commandment of David, the anointed Sweet Singer and Psalmist of Yisharal. As there were various awakenings under Yisharal's history and a measure of recovery of the song of Yahuah, so Assembly history has been a repetition of the same, right up to today, where the Bride is once again crippled by decay, idolatry, bickering and misery, for the Devil has planted Darnel (poisonous false believers) amongst Yahusha's Bride.

But the words of the Psalmist are being fulfilled. Yahusha is turning again the captivity of Zion. Mouths are being filled with laughter and song (PS 126:1-4). While the Assembly was in spiritual Babylon, the harps were hung on the willow tree, the weeping trees. There could be no singing of Yahuah's songs in a strange land. But now the Bride is coming out of Babylon, "religious confusion of the whore's cup of abominations," and her captivity is being turned.

Once again the songs of Zion are being heard in the earth. Harps and other Musical Instruments are being taken off the willow tree and the Singers and Musicians are rising to serve in Revolutionary Praise, according to the commandment of King David.

It is important to note that each of the visitations in Yisharal's history was in connection with the Temple of Yahuah, which pointed to the true Temple, the Bridal Assembly, Yahusha's Spiritual House and the Music and Songs in His House through Divine Portal Connection.


Having considered the Scriptures which clearly show that Praise was according to the commandment of David (from Yahuah), we here consider a variety of expressions pertaining to this service. The word "WORSHIP" means "to honour, revere, adore, pay homage, render devotion and respect" to someone, especially to Yahusha. "PRAISE" is very similar, but with more emphasis on "rejoicing, celebration and outward expressions of the above adoration".

Both words are used here in their broadest sense to ENCOMPASS ALL DAILY BEHAVIOUR BEFORE YAHUSHA. All our service should come from a true spirit of Praise and Worship. Yahusha is seeking those who will Praise and Worship Him "in Spirit and in Truth" (JN 4:24).

Man was created to be a Praiser of Yahuah. Of himself, man does not know how to Praise Yahuah, yet he longs to Praise and Worship. So it’s for this reason that man designs his own forms of worship or some sort of program for religious service and then expects the Creator to bless his program. Also, because man does not know how Yahusha desires to be Praised, he develops a variety of forms. Then people generally congregate to the particular form that suits their tastes, their spiritual disposition and which does not offend their worldly mentality.

What did Yahusha mean when He said that the Father desired us to Praise and Worship "in Spirit and in Truth". What does that even mean? To be IN SPIRIT is to allow the Set-Apart Spirit to move upon OUR NEW SPIRIT, causing love, adoration, devotion, honour and respect to ascend to Yahusha through the NEW PORTAL OPENED ON OUR CIRCUMCISED NEW HEART.

The applicant is reborn in his spirit by Yahusha's Set-Apart Spirit (JN 3:1-5) and his new spirit is to be in union with the Spirit of Yahusha (ROM 8:16, 1 COR 6:17). And as the Set-Apart Spirit moves upon the applicant’s NEW SPIRIT, then Praise and Worship "in spirit" ascends through the Portal, to Yahusha Who is Spirit.

To Praise and Worship IN TRUTH is to behave according to Yahuah's Word, reading in Correct Context and seeing the beautiful Abractness revealed therein by hearing Yahusha's Voice throughout. Yahusha said, “Set them apart through Your truth, and Your Word is truth" (JN 17:17). The Word of Yahuah is the Scripture of Truth and He has laid down in His Word how we are to Praise Him and the joyous noise we are to create from the overflow of our adoration and love for Him.

He has shown His acceptance of a variety of expressions of Praise from those who truly love Him. Therefore to "Praise and Worship in Spirit and in Truth" involves the applicant honouring and adoring Yahusha by the quickening of the Set-Apart Spirit within and according to the Word of Yahuah. The Spirit and the Word are both needed in proper Praise Behaviour. Both must be there.

IF THE SPIRIT AIN'T THERE, then the Praise is dead and lifeless ritual, done according to the letter which kills. All becomes empty form and shadow.

IF THE WORD AIN'T THERE, then the Praise Behaviour can become mere sentimentalism, emotionalism and can lead to fanaticism or the obsession of music itself (even one's own voice). There is need of the SPIRIT and the TRUTH of the Word in true Scriptural Praise Behaviour. 

Depending on the maturity, skill or confidence of the applicant, Praise can indeed be sporadic and spontaneous, however preparation, form and order should still be present so that "all things are done decently and in correct order". In GEN 1:2 we find the earth in a state of being without form and void and darkness on the face of the deep.

The Spirit of Yahuah moved on the face of the deep and then Yahuah spoke and by the service of the Spirit and His Word, order was brought out of chaos, light out of darkness, form out of disorder. Therefore, Divine Praise Behaviour is dependent upon the SPIRIT and the Word of TRUTH operating in the midst of Yahusha's Assembly.

Following are a number of expressions of Praise associated with the order of David’s Tent, as well as in the history of Yisharal over the years. It should be recognised that each of these can become mechanical, lifeless forms unless the life of the Spirit and Behaviour of Truth is maintained by the Assembly. Also, it is not to say that each or all of these expressions have to be in every Session. Those responsible in leading the Praise will be sensitive to Yahusha’s Spirit and dependent upon His mind for any particular Session. They will also follow the flow of the River of Yahusha's Spirit for that Session.

1. Praising through Singers and Singing

(I CHRON 15 & 25) David appointed certain Levites to be singers in his Praise Tent. The service of the Singers in the song of Yahuah was very prominent here. No Singers ever sang in the Tabernacle of Moses.

2. Praising through Musical Instruments

(I CHRON 23 & 25) King David also established Musicians with a variety of Instruments to play and sing before Yahuah in His Tent. No musical instruments were ever played in the Tabernacle of Moses.

3. Praising of the Levites before the Ark

(I CHRON 16) The Levites were appointed to serve before the Ark of the Blood-Covenant continually, day by day as every man's work required. This was indeed in great contrast to the Order of the Tabernacle of Moses, for only the High Priest on the great Day of Atonement ever dared to enter into the Most Set-Apart Place and stand before the Ark of Yahuah. Then it was in great silence and solemnity. If any other had dared to presume into the Most Set-Apart Place, judgment would have fallen on them. But here in David's Tent stood a group of Levites of the Priestly Aaronic Tribe. They stood in their courses day by day to serve before the Ark of Yahuah. It will be remembered that David's Tent signified the transference of the Most Set-Apart Place from the Tabernacle of Moses into Mt. Zion. Thus these Levites had access "within the veil" so to speak (HEB 6, 9 & 10).

4. Praise Service of Recording

(1 CHRON 16 & 28) King David set Levites in his Tent to "RECORD" which means to "set it down so that it can be remembered." It involved the service of the Scribe. Many of the Psalms, especially those which concern Zion, must have been given by the divine inspiration of the Set-Apart Spirit in connection with David’s Tent. The title of Psalm 80 as well as the whole Psalm is an example of this. Asaph prayed a prophetic prayer as he stood before the Ark of the Blood-Covenant and the Shepherd of Yisharal who dwelt between the Cherubims (PS 80:1). The Psalms would be recorded by the Levitical Scribes and thus set down so that they could be remembered. What a vast treasure would have been lost if the Psalms had not been recorded. Moses was the only one who wrote inspired Scripture in relation to the Tabernacle called by his name. Psalms 90-91 have been attributed to Moses. In David’s Tent many Levites wrote the Psalms, as well as King David.

5. Praising by Thanking Yahuah

(I CHRON 16) David appointed the Levites to thank Yahuah and many of the Psalms exhort Yahuah’s people to thank Him for His mercy. Giving thanks is an expression of gratefulness and appreciation to the giver of all things. Unthankfulness is a sign of the Last Days. Those who were set in David’s Tent were to give thanks continually for all things. Under the Tabernacle of Moses, Yisharal could render a voluntary "thank offering" to Yahuah (LEV 7).

6. The Service of Praise

(I CHRON 16) Part of the Order in David's Tent was to Praise Yahuah for His goodness and mercy. There were always Levites in their respective courses Praising Yahuah. One just needs to check the concordance and count the numerous references to "PRAISE" to realise the importance of this to Yahuah. It is Scriptural to "SAY" Praise (IS 12:1 & 4, JER 33:10-12). It is Scriptural to "SING" Praise also (PS 47:6-7, 98:1-6, 100:2). The Psalms especially exhort the people of Yahuah to "SING PRAISE." There are over 70 references in the 150 Psalms to "SING PRAISE." There was no singing of praise in the Tabernacle of Moses. All was silent order, but in David's Tent there was a CONTINUAL SOUND OF PRAISE.

7. Praising Through Psalms

(I CHRON 16:9, PS 98:6) On the day of the dedication, David delivered a Psalm to the Singers and Musicians. David's Tent was characterised by the writing and singing of Psalms and the greater majority of the Psalms are linked with David's Tent. This is seen by the many references to Zion. This is in contrast with the Tabernacle of Moses where only one or possibly two Psalms were written, these being Psalms attributed to Moses (Psalms 90-91). The New Blood Covenant writings exhort us to sing the Psalms (COL 3:16, EPH 5:18-19, JAM 5:13; 1 COR 14:26) thus continuing the Order of David's Praise Behaviour. The Bridal Assembly in general recognises that the Psalms are an integral part of Praise, either chanting or singing them in Divine service. Many centuries of history show that often the Psalms only were chanted or sung.

8. Praising through Rejoicing and Joy

(1 CHRON 16:10,16,25,31) Joy and rejoicing characterised the order of David’s Tent also. The Canaanite religions, as well as most religions outside of Yisharal had no real joy. Even the Tabernacle of Moses was characterised by great solemness not the joy of David's Tent. Numerous Scriptures exhort the believer to rejoice in Yahuah (PHILIP 3:3, 4:4).

9. Praising through the Clapping of Hands

(PS 47:1, 98:8; IS 55:12) One of the Psalms for the sons of Korah exhorts the people to clap hands. One of the most natural of all human responses to joy and appreciation is the clapping of the hands. From the baby in the cradle, to the youth, to the adult, clapping of hands is an expression of happiness, thanks, appreciation, and joy. How much more shall Yahusha's people clap unto Him as they did in Scripture times? There was no such expression of joy in the Tabernacle of Moses.

10. Praising through Shouting

(1 CHRON 15:28, PS 47:1-5, IS 12:6) When the Ark of Yahuah was taken into David's Tent, there was much shouting unto Yahuah. A number of Scriptures speak of shouting in Yisharal's history. When Yisharal shouted on the 7th day on the march around Jericho, Yahuah caused the walls to fall down flat (JOSH 6:5). There are times when a shout is just an empty noise (I SAM 4:5-9), but when Yahusha is in it and it's an expression of Praise unto Him, then Yahusha works with the shout of His people. Yahusha will return for His people at the second coming with a shout (I THESS 4:16).

11. Praising through Dancing

(I CHRON 15:29, 2 SAM 6:14, PS 149:3 & 150:4) There was the expression of dancing before Yahuah at the dedication day of Davids’ Tent. Michal despised David dancing before the Ark of Yahuah, however there is indeed a time to dance (ECC 3:4). Most of the Canaanite dancing was sensuous, lustful and done amidst the orgies of idolatrous festivals. However the dancing of Yisharal was to be in joy, praise, and as a part of Praising Yahuah and not done in a sensual way. It was particularly associated with festival occasions. Miriam and the women with her danced at the deliverance from Egypt after the crossing of the Red Sea (EX 15:20).

12. Praising through Lifting up of Hands

(PS 134 & 141:2) The Levites in their courses in Zion also lifted up their hands as an act of Praise to Yahuah in David's Tent. Lifting hands in Scripture has several suggested meanings. It is an act of surrender, of a person taking a vow before Yahuah, of prayer and also praise. it is part of Old and New Blood Covenant Praise Behaviour (GEN 14:22, LEV 9:22, LUKE 24:50, I TIM 2:8). The Psalmist says, "Let my prayer be set forth before you as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice" (PS 141:2). Only Aaron would lift up hands in blessing in the Tabernacle of Moses. In David’s Tent all could lift their hands to Yahuah and so it is today. All believers as serving Priests may lift their hands in Praise. We are to lift up our heart with our hands (LAM 3:41).

13. Praising through Worship

(1 CHRON 16:29, PS 29:1-2, 95:6) Although we are using the word "worship" in its broadest sense here (as referring to an ongoing daily behaviour), in its strictest sense the word actually means "to bow down, to stoop very low, to prostrate oneself." The Levites in David's Tent were not only to sing, praise, play instruments, clap hands, lift hands to Yahuah, they were to physically worship. There was a bowing before Yahuah, a prostration of themselves in deep adoration and devotion. This aspect of worship is the HIGHEST EXPRESSION before Yahuah of all expressions of Praising in Spirit and in Truth (JN 4:20-24, REV 5). All believers should experience times of deep prostration of the Spirit before Yahusha in the Most Set-Apart 'Secret Place' in this aspect of Praise (REV 11:1-2, MATT 28:9 & 17). At Mt. Sinai the people worshipped afar off (EX 24:1-2). But in David’s Tent, the Praise was near to Yahuah, and even much more nearer is it in New Blood-Covenant times through the perfect blood of Yahusha.

14. Praising through Seeking Yahuah

(I CHRON 16:10-11, 2 CHRON 7:14) David exhorted the Levites to seek the face of Yahuah in his Praise Tent. This is also part of Praise - seeking Yahuah's face with our whole heart. Only those who seek Him with their whole being will find Him. We are to rejoice as we seek Him (PS 27:8, 63:1-2, 70:4). David’s Tent was a place where Priests and Levites sought Yahuah.

The various expressions of Praise related to, or in, David's Tent have been briefly considered here and  any or all of these may be in a given Session. They are all Scriptural and they are all a part of Yahuah's Word. Everyone may enter into these expressions of Worship and Praise and it is error to say that these things are only for Old Covenant Yisharal.

The New Blood-Covenant Assembly arose out of the Old Covenant Assembly. The early believers continually appealed to the Psalms as well as the rest of the Ancient Writings, in their Teaching and Praising. Therefore the New Blood-Covenant does not write off the Old Covenant. The New transforms and fulfils the Old through Yahusha.

The New Assembly writers do show that animal sacrifices and Moses’ Economy were fulfilled and completed at the Torture Stake, for that very economy was only established to bring Yisharal into New Blood-Covenant relationship with Yahusha, but it could never forgive or purify intentional crimes. However Yahusha’s blood does! So even though that economy is finished, nowhere does it say that the Praise was finished, nor these expressions of worship. All are acceptible and our Praise is lifted into a greater and higher realm in the New Blood-Covenant because of Yahusha’s sacrifice and the power of the Set-Apart Spirit, and because all New Blood-Covenant believers are to be Kings and Priests unto the Nations through Messiah, after the order of Melchizedek.

Yahuah has always desired to dwell with and amongst His redeemed people. The Old Blood-Covenant typical dwellings show the progressive revelation of this redemptive theme. He dwelt with man in the Garden of Eden. He dwelt among His people Yisharal in the Tabernacle of Moses. He dwelt with Yisharal in David’s Tent. He dwelt with His people in the Temple of Solomon. The full revelation was in Yahusha Messiah, who was Yahuah's Tabernacle and Temple personified. His eternal dwelling place is the City of Yahuah, the new and heavenly Yerushalim. "And I John saw the Set-Apart city, new Yerushalim, coming down from Yahuah out of Shamayim, prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice from the sky saying, Behold the Tabernacle of Yahuah is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and Yahuah Himself will be with them, and be their Alahim. And Yahuah shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away" (REV 21:2-4).


Our study on David's Tent is now completed. Under the outpouring of the Set-Apart Spirit in the early Assembly (on both Jew and Gentile), James (by a word of wisdom) quoted the prophecy of Amos concerning the re-building of David’s Tent, and the whole purpose of this was for the coming in of the Gentiles, which were not to be placed under the Law, that is, in the Tabernacle of Moses under the Old Blood-Covenant with it’s fleshly circumcision and animal sacrifices.

They were to come in and alowed to engraft to Yahusha on the grounds of favour, that is, into David's Tent which was symbolic of the New Blood-Covenant. In this Divine Tabernacle Jew and Gentile would become one in Messiah on the ground of favour, apart from the works of the Law, Ritual and Shadow Ceremonials - still however loyal and obedient to her Marriage Vows, the Ten Words and to the voice of her Bridegroom, Who shines a light on every ancient instructions, abstractly revealing it's meaning for the 21st Century Bride today!

Here around the True Ark, Yahusha Messiah Himself, Jew and Gentile, gather together for Praise within the veil. Yes today, that order of Praise Behaviour and freedom of access within the veil (once lost to the hearts of people during the "dark ages") is being rediscovered through the Name of Yahuah/Yahusha and all nations may approach Yahusha through Repentance and Water Immersion ...

... into a NEW BLOOD-COVENANT, to have a NEW SPIRIT and a NEW HEART and given DIRECT ACCESS to ENTER BOLDLY through the Portal on their heart - and where two or more are gathered Yahusha is enthroned on the Praises of His People !